GRIP Datahub Wheat

Towards a Global Food Systems Data Hub: Seeding The Center For Sustainable Wheat Production

About GRIP Datahub

Changing climate, environmental, socio-political, and economic forces are increasingly straining the global food system’s ability to meet the food and fiber requirements of a growing human population. Despite rapid technological advances, the myriad of interdependencies in this complex system continues to hinder efforts to develop and implement solutions to challenges to food system sustainability in more than a piecemeal fashion. Recent growth in the development of Knowledge Graphs (KGs) as a method of data and knowledge management as well as using KGs to transform large-scale, diverse and complex data and knowledge into analysis offers a means of more systematically and efficiently addressing the complex interdependencies inherent in the global food system. In this project, we develop - with the guidance of stakeholders - a KG focused on sustainable intensification of wheat production as a first step in building a Global Food Systems Data Hub, concomitantly with seeding a Center for Sustainable Wheat Production. An expert elicitation workshop with the goal of defining sustainable wheat systems by major stakeholders across the entire wheat supply chain will kick off the project. Findings from this workshop will later guide the development of a wheat sustainability KG. Simultaneously, the utility of this KG will be illustrated through three wheat-related use cases relevant to the agricultural sector in Kansas and development of a public-facing Data Hub. These efforts will pave the way for Kansas State as the leader in sustainable agriculture data management, production, and application while simultaneously supporting a major economic sector for Kansas by enabling decision support for food security applications, development of policy and management solutions relevant to local stakeholders.

Meet Our Team

Pascal Hitzler

Pascal Hitzler

PI, Department Of Computer Science

Romulo Lollato

Romulo Lollato

PI, Department Of Agronomy

Kelsey Andersen Onofre

Kelsey Andersen Onofre

Co PI, Department Of Plant Pathology

Hande McGinty

Hande McGinty

Co PI, Department Of Computer Science

Katherine Nelson

Katherine Nelson

Co PI, Department Of Geography and Geospatial Sciences

Stephen Welch

Stephen Welch

Co PI, Department Of Agronomy

Terry Griffin

Terry Griffin

Co PI, Department Of Agricultural Economics

Stacy Hutchinson

Stacy Hutchinson

College Of Engineering

Xiaomao Lin

Xiaomao Lin

Co PI, Department Of Agronomy


Acknowledgments: We thank Ontotext for providing GraphDB